Approved Dealers

Your Millbrook home window Film experts

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LGL Customs LLC, the trusted home window tinting service

Step into a world of elevated home comfort with LGL Customs LLC, your go-to specialists for residential window tinting. Our premium window films seamlessly combine elegance and practicality, redefining your living space. More than just a visual upgrade, our tints deliver a multitude of benefits. Explore our video showcase to witness the transformative power of our expert tinting services, offering a sneak peek into the enhanced lifestyle that awaits you.

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Experience comfort in your home

Transform your home into a haven of comfort and sophistication with our top-tier window tints. Meticulously crafted to go beyond mere aesthetics, our films actively work to establish a more inviting and pleasant living environment.


Reduce Heat

Our tints effectively block out excessive heat, keeping your home cooler and more energy-efficient.

Add Privacy

Enhance your home's privacy with our tints, offering you a secluded haven away from prying eyes.

Increase Security

Strengthen your home's security with our robust window films that add an extra layer of protection.

Stop UV

Protect your family and furnishings from harmful UV rays with our superior UV-blocking window tints.
Kepler Logo

Approved Dealers of Kepler Architectural Series

LGL Customs LLC takes immense pride in being an authorized dealer of the esteemed Kepler Architectural Series, celebrated for its unrivaled quality and stunning visual appeal. These cutting-edge window films, trusted by NASA for their advanced technology, deliver unparalleled clarity and durability. The Kepler Architectural Series seamlessly elevates your home’s aesthetic while offering a host of practical benefits, including heat and UV reduction, enhanced security, and increased privacy. Our unwavering commitment to providing the finest products on the market ensures that when you select Kepler through our services, you’re investing in a solution synonymous with sophistication and efficiency.

Compare the heat protection of our films
Heat Protection
Glare Reduction
UV Protection
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View our films with Kepler Experience°

Step into the future of residential window tinting with our groundbreaking Kepler Experience for buildings. This immersive, interactive feature empowers you to visualize how various Kepler films will transform your home, offering a true-to-life representation of the final result. By leveraging this innovative tool, you can confidently select the ideal tint that seamlessly harmonizes with your building’s aesthetic while fulfilling your functional requirements. Embrace the forefront of window tinting technology and make an informed decision that will revolutionize your living space.

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Schedule a visit from our team

LGL Customs LLC places customer satisfaction at the core of our operations. We recognize that selecting the ideal window film is a critical decision, often best made through an in-person consultation. To facilitate this, we offer personalized visits to your home or business, enabling our experts to thoroughly assess your windows and gain a deep understanding of your unique needs. Our dedicated team takes the time to carefully recommend the most appropriate film from our comprehensive collection, ensuring that your selection seamlessly aligns with your specific requirements and preferences. This tailored approach exemplifies our unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled service and ensuring customer delight.

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Get your home window tint quote today

Getting a price to tint your home has never been easier with LGL Customs LLC Just simply click “get a quote” to start your home window film quote process!

Residential window tinting in Millbrook

Take a look and see how Kepler Window Film has helped transform these homes along with adding a huge amount of benefits that our films bring! You can hover over the images to see the film that was installed.

LGL Customs LLC home window tinting FAQ

Here at LGL Customs LLC we pride ourselves in not only our home window tinting abilities but our customer relationships as well! We have compiled some FAQs that we get from our valued Millbrook customers.

Yes, depending on the type of window tint selected, the general home construction, and the application desired we can create the perfect solution for any homeowner.

No. Today’s high-quality window films reduce the sun’s glare and will have a sharper view through your windows.

Window tint can change the appearance of your home, but we also offer some films which are virtually undetectable and most people will not notice any changes to your home. Additionally, we offer some films that are less reflective than ordinary window glass.

Tinted windows don’t require special cleaners, but it’s best to avoid glass cleaner with ammonia or scraping the tint with a blade, as it can damage window tint film over time. Tinted windows can be cleaned with a soft, non-abrasive cloth for best results.
Yes. A homeowner can save up to 50% in some cases. The amount of savings will depend on the type of window tint and the general construction of your home. Climate, sun exposure, existing energy costs, and the efficiency of air conditioning and heating systems are also factors to be considered regarding energy savings.

Yes. Fading is caused by sunlight produced heat, UV rays, and visible light. All of which are can be controlled by the right choice in window film. While no window tint will completely stop fading, our window films can reduce the damage by up to 80%, which extends the lifetime and appearance of your possessions, furniture, and saves on high replacement costs.


Window films are applied to the interior side of your windows.

First, we evaluate your individual needs with a professional consultation. Second, we protect the installation areas and clean the interior of the windows. Finally, we apply the film using a mild water-based chemical solution.

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